Beth Israel – The West Temple is proud to announce the following Town Hall meetings with your host, Peter Sackett:NEXT Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00 pm A discussion about Domestic Violence with our guests: Alexandria Ruden, Esteemed Counsel for the Legal Aid Society and Joseph Hochheiser, Honorable Magistrate for Domestic Relations Court, Cuyahoga County for domestic violence hearings. Follow this link for our livestreamed Town Hall – Legal Services AND: Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 7:00 pmWe are very pleased to announce that The Honorable County Executive Armond Budish will join Peter Sackettto discuss his years of public service to our community. Follow this link for March 4th — SOON: A DISCUSSION ABOUT ELECTRIC CARS!!
BI-TWT Members — There’s still time to participate in our
Purim Shalach Manot Fundraiser…
One of the most joyous mitzvot associated with the festival of Purim is Shalach Manot, the sending of treats to friends and family. This 1st annual fundraiser will be providing funds for our much-needed general fund. In honor of this mitzvah, please join in sending gifts to your fellow congregants. Each family receives onepackage filled with an assortment of goodies and treats, including homemade hamantaschen. Included will be a card listing the names of those sending good wishes. How to send your Beth Israel-The West Temple Shalach Manot1. Check your email for your personal link that was sent Monday evening, Jan 25.2. Select the temple members from the list that you would like to send a Shalach Manot package3. Remember that the deadline is Friday, February 19. The cost is tiered:$5.00 for the first 20 people on your list$4.00 for the 21st and each additional person.$400.00 to send to the entire congregation. We will only distribute one gift to each family. The enclosed card will include the names of everyone sending that gift. (For example – if everyone in the congregation were to give you a gift, you would not receive hundreds of gifts, you would receive one gift with a card listing everyone who gave you that gift.) *If you did not receive a personal email – please notify Robin Kaufman, or 216-387-6630 cell And thank you for your support!
by Lila Wright[No, this is not a photograph!] Mazal Tov! to Lila Wright, one of 6 students at Lakewood High School and the West Shore Career-Tech Media Art & Design program who won highest honors among the 25 awards earned in the annual Scholastic Art & Writing Awards regional competition held in December. Lila’s artwork was one of the six Gold Key awards, the highest honor given.
From the Jewish Justice for Rohingya Network – JRJN
“Rohingya? And the Jews are involved?” you may ask… And the answer is “Yes!” I was introduced to the JRJN two years ago through the American Jewish World Service, and invited to serve on the JRJN committee. It is a herculean task to work to support the Rohingya people, with many organizations working together. And the work is not easy, and as you can imagine, very frustrating. As Chanukah comes to an end, let’s keep in mind so many – so many – who are in such need… here in our own country, and around the world – fighting for freedom and justice – and the right to live in peace. The news: Bhasan Char The government of Bangladesh has moved forward with plans to relocate Rohingya refugees from camps in Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char, an island in the Bay of Bengal. In early December over 1,600 refugees were moved to the island, joining 306 who had been detained there since May. More relocations are planned for the coming months. See here for a briefer about the situation, written by a number of coalition partners. Bangladesh has denied UN requests to access the island in order to complete independent technical and protection assessments. All relocations to the island must be halted until these assessments take place. There are reports that coercion and intimidation tactics are being used to pressure refugees to agree to relocation. There is also confusion and a lack of information about the situation on the island. For any relocation to be voluntary, Rohingya must have full access to accurate information, including the results of UN assessments, and ensured freedom of movement between Bhasan Char and the camps on the mainland. What has the JRJN done about this in the past?We came out with a joint statement a year ago condemning this threat. Now, it’s come to fruition. What can we do?Right now, raising awareness via social media is what we can do. SAMPLE TWEET:Bangladesh has begun to relocate Rohingya refugees to a flood prone island. Let’s stand with Rohingya people as they call for a UN assessment of the island and to affirm the need for any relocation to be voluntary. #JewishRohingyaJusticeNetworkIf you want to link to an article in your tweet, here’s one: messaging can we use?This is a tricky, delicate scenario that is changing daily. Here are our main asks:
All relocations must be voluntary and include informed consent.
All relocations must halt until the UN is allowed to carry out an independent technical and protection assessment of the island. Protection assessment by UN should also take place in Cox’s Bazar to ensure Rohingya are not being forced into agreeing to relocation.
Freedom of movement and right to return to Cox’s Bazar are a must.
Hannah WeilbacherProgram Officer for Jewish Advocacy and Engagement(she/her) American Jewish World Service202.379.4277 | | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
During the month of January, the High School class at BI-TWT will be participating in Project Save. This is a campaign to assemble backpacks full of school supplies to help serve homeless families with children in the Cleveland area. Education is a huge problem for students living in poverty, and helping them will enable the students have a path towards success in the future. The High School class has received a YOFI Grant from the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, and will use money from the temple’s Lou and Evy Rosenblum Social Action Fund to help offset the cost of the materials. During these Covid times, we are appreciative of your support of this very important project. If you would like to help, please feel free to make a donation (by check or through our website) to BI-TWT, designating it for the Lou and Evy Rosenblum Social Action Fund.