Town Hall
Upcoming Town Hall meetings
Beth Israel – The West Temple is proud to announce the following Town Hall meetings with your host, Peter Sackett: NEXT Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00 pm
A discussion about Domestic Violence with our guests: Alexandria Ruden, Esteemed Counsel for the Legal Aid Society and Joseph Hochheiser, Honorable Magistrate for Domestic Relations Court, Cuyahoga County for domestic violence hearings. Follow this link for our livestreamed Town Hall – Legal Services AND: Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 7:00 pm
We are very pleased to announce that The Honorable County Executive Armond Budish will join Peter Sackettto discuss his years of public service to our community. Follow this link for March 4th — COMING SOON: A DISCUSSION ABOUT ELECTRIC CARS!!