Honor Rabbi Enid Lader – Help Make a Difference
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Honor Rabbi Enid Lader – Help Make a Difference
Zoom in for Jewish learning opportunities in May…
YIVO’S SHINE ONLINE EDUCATIONAL SERIESA SEAT AT THE TABLE:A JOURNEY INTO JEWISH FOODBeginning May 1stFeaturing: Joan Nathan, Michael Twitty, Alice Feiring, Mitchell Davis (James Beard Foundation), Niki Russ Federman & Josh Russ Tupper (Russ & Daughters), Jake Dell (Katz’s Deli), Darra Goldstein, Liz Alpern & Jeffrey Yoskowitz (The Gefilteria), Lior Lev Sercarz (La Boite), Adeena Sussman, Ilan Stavans, Leah Koenig, Michael Wex and more!Yivo.org/food________________________________ BI-TWT’s Lifelong Learning Presents: “The Gospels Through Jewish Eyes”Beginning May 3rd 4 Sunday evenings, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rabbi Dr. Jo DavidNew York rabbi, multi-faith facilitator, writer, and inspirational speaker
1. May 3rd – Introduction to the Gospels – how are they addressing the Jews of their time?
2. May 10th – Reviewing the Gospels in the order they were written, not the order they appear in the New Testament. How can these writings be seen as a response to the destruction of the Second Temple?
3. May 17th – How the TaNakh (our Bible) is used in the writings of the Gospels?
4. May 24th – How have certain texts from the Gospels come to be used to lay the foundation for stereotypes and antisemitism?
Topic: BI-TWT’s “The Gospels Through Jewish Eyes” – with Rabbi Dr. Jo DavidTime: May 17, 2020 07:30 PM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94851648545?pwd=SjhMMUN3TjJtSjd3QXRZWm1FSGFNZz09 Meeting ID: 948 5164 8545Password: 871657 Dial in: 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 948 5164 8545Password: 871657
Zoom and Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Lader & FriendsThursday, May 21stNoon What IS a Mentsch?Join us and found out… Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98091492546?pwd=SmJrc1QzdDczeDltaHhySWxndndVQT09 Meeting ID: 980 9149 2546Password: 330313 Dial in: 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 980 9149 2546Password: 330313
Zoom in for…Lunch ‘n Learn with Rabbi Lader & FriendsNext Wednesday, Apr 29, 2020 12:00 PM Get lunch ready…Get settled…Zoom in… or Call in…And let’s [virtually] visit Israel togetherand share memories from our own past visits…
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/93621190267?pwd=L0tWU2Q5NFcxQm5kTWxxa1Z0OVhOZz09 Meeting ID: 936 2119 0267Password: 206596 Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 936 2119 0267Password: 206596
A Pesach Message from Peter Sackett, President of the BI-TWT Board I suggest that as of 6 weeks ago I was prepared to state that never before in our selective lifetimes has the juxtaposition of our padded seats, in our comfortable chairs, with a glass of red wine surely at hand, with our family and friends abound at our well-dressed table vs. the Holy Hell of our forefathers, been so distinct and ever-present. All of a sudden, we are faced with the pendulum literally swinging just an inch or so back towards the time of Pharaoh. Our perfectness has been tarnished. Our neat and patterned lifestyles have been upset. Our daily lives are being drawn by an unseen virus and the parameters of a daily creed of new rules. We are slaves to the Pandemic that has entered our lives. And, so, like our Forefathers, we actually face one of the Plagues of our own Haggadah. However, unlike the story we are about to read – our Judaism is not a protection on our doors or on our gates. I propose that we use our time this week to undertake an evaluation of the blessings we all have; to determine the source of our happiness; to spread our joy among those less blessed, regardless of their reasons. The words of Jack Johnson surely help. With my own two handsI can make peace on earthWith my own two handsI can clean up the earthWith my own two handsI can reach out to youWith my own two hands With my own two handsI’m going to make it a brighter placeWith my own two handsI’m going to make it a safer placeWith my own two handsI’m going to help the human raceWith my own two hands
Guest Speaker – Anthony Wexler, Ph. D., CASE Dept. of English
Anne Frank is the most famous Holocaust victim in America. The hugely popular Diary of Anne Frank, which was published in 1952, introduced Americans to a young, innocent victim of Nazi terror. As a result of its popularity, the Diary was adapted for the Broadway stage and the Hollywood screen. Yet for all its success, the Diary has also been criticized for contributing to what has been called the “Americanization of the Holocaust”: the process by which the terrifying events of the Holocaust have been sanitized for American audiences. This talk examines the Diary’s remarkable and enduring impact on American Jewish life, from its remarkable production history to the consequences of placing a young, victim-figure at the center of the American Jewish imagination of the Holocaust. Anthony Wexler teaches in the English Department at Case Western Reserve University. After receiving a B.A. from Yeshiva University, he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. His research and teaching focuses on Jewish American literature and the Holocaust in American life. He has held research fellowships at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, and Colby College. Anthony has also spent a number of years studying traditional Jewish texts at Yeshivas in Israel and New York.
Zoom information: Apr 19, 2020 10:00 AM – Anne Frank’s Lagacyor join us at 11:00 a.m. for the Family Yom HaShoah Memorial Service Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/487034961?pwd=VjdtenBtOTVVTk1PUzZDUXJlQ1hsdz09 Meeting ID: 487 034 961 Password: 002271 Dial in: 646 876 9923 US (New York)Meeting ID: 487 034 961 Password: 002271
This year’s arts contest theme was “75 Years Since Liberation: What Have We Learned?” FEATURING:
Remarks by Rabbi Joshua L. Caruso, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
A local survivor’s story
Kol Israel 75th anniversary of liberation video
And more
All are invited to light a memorial candle in their own homes in memory of those who perished in the Shoah.
We must never forget.REGISTER HERE And… on WVIZ at 10:00 PM After Auschwitz is a “Post-Holocaust” documentary that follows six extraordinary women, capturing what it means to move from tragedy and trauma towards life. These women all moved to Los Angeles, married, raised children and became “Americans” but they never truly found a place to call home.
Women, Girls, Mothers, Daughters, Aunties, Nieces, Girlfriends….Join us next week for our 13th annualCircle of Friends Women’s SederWednesday, Apr 15, 2020 06:00 PM Follow this link for the haggadah:https://ajws.org/action/haggadah/ Follow this link to zoom in to our Women’s Seder:Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/338673199 Dial in: +1 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 338 673 199
Volunteers needed to help deliver our Seder-in-a-Box If you or someone you know in our congregation would appreciate a Seder-in-a-box, please let Rabbi Lader know, and we will deliver our seder boxes (carefully) before Passover. Our hope is that each box will include: Passover matzah, matzah ball soup, an easy-to-read Haggadah, and Passover sweets… If you or someone you know in our congregation would like a box, please call the temple office to let Rabbi Lader know by March 30th – Temple Office – 216-941-8882. Volunteers needed to help deliver our Seder-in-a-Box… Please let Rabbi Lader know, by April 2nd that you can assist with these deliveries: eclader@aol.com or call the temple office 216-941-8882
In this time of separations, here is a way to draw closer… websites and online resources we might all draw on:
Feel-good music moment: The WeightFrom Playing For Change – lots of great music reformatted with musicians around the worldLinks to some specific songs:The Weight https://youtu.be/ph1GU1qQ1zQ Higher Ground https://youtu.be/3hGSqqhhokE What’s Going On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEp7QrOBxyQWhat a Wonderful World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddLd0QRf7VgOne Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xjPODksI08Take Me Home, Country Roads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3g9QUT_oP0Lean On Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiouJsnYytIImagine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvFLKyAGzzIWar/No More Trouble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgWFxFg7-GUStand By Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExMListen To The Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4sK8d48ExsGimme Shelter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJtq6OmD-_YLove Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUXSVnGsYyYRedemption Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55s3T7VRQScEverlasting Arms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9YvB9FmR3EGuantanamara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blUSVALW_Z4 11 museums from around the world.15 Broadway plays and musicals you can watch online.Ritual for counting these days of quarantineLivestream Romemu services: https://www.romemu.org/service/Movement and Creativity Library – a collection of 200+ Feldenkrais lessons and creative resources to help you reduce pain and stress, regulate your nervous system, awaken creativity and expand your capacity to enjoy life. Free access to the library March 22-30. Worldwide Synagogue Sing – a chance for school age kids to connect virtually for meaningful and creative Jewish experience. Nava Tehilah – Kabbalat Shabbat from Jerusalem; bring in Shabbat whenever you are ready to in your home JewishLIVE – a Facebook resource for live-streaming or online events. Download hundreds of audiobooks free from Audible.
The Transformative Power of Next – from Peter Sackett I invite everyone to consider that this is the operative word of the day – Next. It takes energy to live through one day of quarantine.It takes thought and consideration to care for ourselves and those we love.It takes momentum to push our thoughts to when our lives may return towhat they were a simple ten days ago. Thus, Next is what counts the most. The next day. The next moment.The next elbow touch and nod of hello. The next call to a neighbor. The next opportunity to smile. As we approach Shabbat this week, please consider how you canmake someone else’s life better. Love is defined as holding the hand of someone in need. Make Next Time This Time. Shabbat Shalom,Peter
The 4 Questions… and Then Some: Preparing for Passover with Rabbi LaderTuesday, Mar 31, 2020 07:30 PM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/649904042 Meeting ID: 649 904 042 Dial in: 646-876-9923 US (New York)Meeting ID: 649 904 042
Zoom in for our Congregational Second Seder & Women’s Seder
At this time, we are adjusting how we will be holding our Congregational Second Seder and the Women’s Seder. We will NOT be gathering at temple, but will be offering our seders by zoom. Rabbi Lader will be leading our Second Seder on April 9th and Barbara Schwartz and Rabbi Lader will co-lead our Women’s Seder on April 15th. The haggadot for each seder will be sent out ahead of time, so we’ll all be on the same page! Here are the Zoom links for each seder: Topic: BI-TWT Second SederTime: Apr 9, 2020 06:30 PM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/260190466 Dial in: +1 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 260 190 466 Topic: Circle of Friends Women’s SederTime: Apr 15, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/338673199 Dial in: +1 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 338 673 199