Vayak’heil and Pekudei – Ex. 35:1-38:20, and 38:21-40:38 (March 20/21)
As the Torah Turns
Rabbi Lader’s Weekly D’var Torah
Vayak’heil and Pekudei – Ex. 35:1-38:20, and 38:21-40:38 (March 20/21)
This week we have a double Torah portion, and will conclude the book of Exodus. We will read Vayak’heil and Pekudei – Ex. 35:1-38:20, and 38:21-40:38. And as we come to the end of the book of Exodus, as with all books of Torah, we will say, “Chazak! Chazak! V’Nit’chazek! – Be strong, be strong, and we will strengthen one another.” * As I write this, it crosses my mind that this week… and for the next untold number of weeks… we will have a double portion of ___________; feel free to fill in the blank. As we make our way through these challenging times, we – each of us and our community – will need to be strong… But, there is certainly a sense of uncertainty and stress and questioning and… And this is on top of all of our day-to-day life challenges! How can one be strong? Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazeik: sometimes it’s the only answer we have. Each of us is called upon to be strong – to find the strength and courage to make it through each day – each new lesson plan sent from our children’s school… each doctor’s appointment that we will have to reschedule… each day of wondering when we can go back to work… each day of looking out the window and hoping to see a familiar face… each day of wondering what will be left on the grocery store shelves… The list does go on. In describing God’s Presence descending upon the wilderness sanctuary now built and completed by the Israelites, Exodus 40:34-38 signals what each of our sanctuaries is meant to be: a refuge where those who are broken and hurting know they can come for healing and strength, where they can feel a sense of God’s presence in the outstretched hands of others. In these trying times, there are ways each of us can reach out our hands – our hearts and our souls – to connect with each other and extend the walls of our sanctuary. As Jewish musician, Dan Nichols, sings, in B’tzelem Elohim (In the Image of God): When I reach out to you and you to meWe become B’tzelem ElohimWhen we share our hopes and our dreamsEach one of us B’tzelem Elohim According to Rashi, when their work on the Tabernacle was done, Moses blessed the Israelites saying: “May it be God’s will that the Divine Presence rests on the work of your hands” (Rashi on Exodus 39:43). May the Divine Presence rest on each of us and on the work of our hands, and may our hands – and our hearts and our souls – be strong for those who need us. Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazeik – Be Strong! Be Strong! And we will strengthen one another! * Resource: Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson’s commentary –
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