An Easier Way to Pay

An Easier Way to Pay

BI-TWT on Venmo: @bitwt

A note from Robin Kaufman, our Treasurer:

Our temple is now set up to take Venmo. It is a no charge service that will let temple members pay dues, pay for gala tickets/raffle items, or other temple charges from an app on their phone.
[We also take PayPal and are able to swipe credit cards, but both of these services take approx 3% of the payment. 😣 ]

I would discourage paying for Religious School or Investment account donations with this service because the money flows into our General Fund… [And this is a good time to remind you that, when making payments and/or donations by check, please write a separate check for each so that they can be more easily deposited into their special account.]

Notice of this will also be posted on the next Dues Statement and in the June Bulletin.

Look for us on Venmo: @bitwt