Town Hall with Shosh Ault and Arnon Chait Rescheduled
Town Hall with Shosh Ault and Arnon Chait
We apologize for Wednesday night’s technical/sound problems during our Town Hall program with Peter Sackett, Shosh Ault, and Arnon Chait… It has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. Here is the link for this livestream presentation:
We are so pleased to advise that Shosh Ault and Arnon Chait have agreed to be our guests at our next Town Hall — Our subjects will include the following: their respective journeys/paths to the USA and Cleveland,where they were living before the USA,when they left, why they left, what they left behind,who joined them on their journey,and later, how they found their way to Beth Israel – The West Temple.And, how they have led their blessed lives – their respective family and business adventures. We all have the greatest respect for these special guests. They have been pillars of our temple community for many, many years. These interviews will bring their stories to the forefront. Peter SackettPresident, Board of Trustees