Emor – Lev. 21:1-24:23 (Apr. 30/May 1)
As the Torah Turns
Rabbi Lader’s Weekly D’var Torah
Emor – Lev. 21:1-24:23 (Apr.30/May 1)
Our Torah portion this week is Emor – Lev. 21:1-24:23. Chapter 23 focuses on the “fixed times of the Eternal… the sacred occasions”(Lev. 23:4) – otherwise known as our festival calendar. Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot – each of these festivals is marked by celebration and thankfulness for the harvest, underscoring our agricultural ties. Rabbi Michael Hecht, in his collection When the Fire Waits: Prayers and Poems for the Sabbath and Festivals, recalls this connection – and the miracles that occur “While We Sleep” —
God, You give us the earthAnd life. We do the work. We do the worrying. We plow and sow,Weed and hoe.We have to get up early in the morning.So much can go wrong. But while we sleep The crops spring up in secret. We never catch them growing. One day — Responding to the sunlight and the rainAs much as to our labors — They are ripe. We do the work, and the worrying, But while we sleep, they grow. While we rest, You do Your work. And You ask nothing from us but a token:”When you come to the land which I am giving youAnd reap its harvest,Then bring an Omer-full of the first of the harvest…To the Eternal…” (Lev. 23:10) From all Israel just an Omer, A small measure of grain, Just a reminder of what You do While we sleep. Life is so hard!There is no end to our problems.We cannot work fast enough to keep ahead.
But in the sleep of the night Comes healing. The universe goes on without our help. We are refreshed by doing nothing. By trusting in Your presence. Thank You for keeping watch in the night.Thank You for being our partner. You do not ask much in return — An Omer — a sign of recognition. That is the fee for the sunlight,The fee for the rain,The fee for watching while we sleep. ——————————
Springtime surrounds us. The rains come, and the rains go. The blossoms appear. May of us will be “putting in” our own gardens. All of us will enjoy the sunshine, the beautiful weather, the movement from day to night and back to day… the gift of each day. What is the “sign of recognition” that you offe
Our Torah portion this week is Emor – Lev. 21:1-24:23. Chapter 23 focuses on the “fixed times of the Eternal… the sacred occasions”(Lev. 23:4) – otherwise known as our festival calendar. Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot – each of these festivals is marked by celebration and thankfulness for the harvest, underscoring our agricultural ties. Rabbi Michael Hecht, in his collection When the Fire Waits: Prayers and Poems for the Sabbath and Festivals, recalls this connection – and the miracles that occur “While We Sleep” —
God, You give us the earth
And life.
We do the work.
We do the worrying.
We plow and sow,
Weed and hoe.
We have to get up early in the morning.
So much can go wrong.
But while we sleep
The crops spring up in secret.
We never catch them growing.
One day —
Responding to the sunlight and the rain
As much as to our labors —
They are ripe.
We do the work, and the worrying,
But while we sleep, they grow.
While we rest, You do Your work.
And You ask nothing from us but a token:
“When you come to the land which I am giving you
And reap its harvest,
Then bring an Omer-full of the first of the harvest…
To the Eternal…” (Lev. 23:10)
From all Israel just an Omer,
A small measure of grain,
Just a reminder of what You do
While we sleep.
Life is so hard!
There is no end to our problems.
We cannot work fast enough to keep ahead.
But in the sleep of the night
Comes healing.
The universe goes on without our help.
We are refreshed by doing nothing.
By trusting in Your presence.
Thank You for keeping watch in the night.
Thank You for being our partner.
You do not ask much in return —
An Omer — a sign of recognition.
That is the fee for the sunlight,
The fee for the rain,
The fee for watching while we sleep.
Springtime surrounds us. The rains come, and the rains go. The blossoms appear. May of us will be “putting in” our own gardens. All of us will enjoy the sunshine, the beautiful weather, the movement from day to night and back to day… the gift of each day. What is the “sign of recognition” that you offer?l enjoy the sunshine, the beautiful weather, the movement from day to night and back to day… the gift of each day. What is the “sign of recognition” that you offer? We do the work.
We do the worrying. We plow and sow,Weed and hoe.We have to get up early in the morning.So much can go wrong. But while we sleep The crops spring up in secret. We never catch them growing. One day — Responding to the sunlight and the rainAs much as to our labors — They are ripe. We do the work, and the worrying, But while we sleep, they grow. While we rest, You do Your work. And You ask nothing from us but a token:”When you come to the land which I am giving youAnd reap its harvest,Then bring an Omer-full of the first of the harvest…To the Eternal…” (Lev. 23:10) From all Israel just an Omer, A small measure of grain, Just a reminder of what You do While we sleep. Life is so hard!There is no end to our problems.We cannot work fast enough to keep ahead. But in the sleep of the night Comes healing. The universe goes on without our help. We are refreshed by doing nothing. By trusting in Your presence. Thank You for keeping watch in the night.Thank You for being our partner. You do not ask much in return — An Omer — a sign of recognition. That is the fee for the sunlight,The fee for the rain,
The fee for watching while we sleep.
Springtime surrounds us. The rains come, and the rains go. The blossoms appear. May of us will be “putting in” our own gardens. All of us will enjoy the sunshine, the beautiful weather, the movement from day to night and back to day… the gift of each day. What is the “sign of recognition” that you offer
From Previous Weeks

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