Text Me
“The Ten Commandments of Monitoring Our Evolving Digital Selves”
Join Rabbi Jeffrey Schein,
author of Text Me: Ancient Jewish Wisdom Meets Contemporary Technology,
in conversation about our Jewish values, our appreciation of digital opportunities and perils,
and the dance between them.
THIS Sunday afternoon, December 6, 2020
2:00 PM
A community event led by Rabbi Jeffrey Schein
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/92264847632?pwd=U1ZUQUhjVzBtbURsdktRS0V1d3dSdz09 Meeting ID: 922 6484 7632Passcode: 157763Dial in: 646 876 9923 This event is free, and hosted by Beth Israel – The West Temple, Kol HaLev, and Temple Emanuel.