Second Seder led by Rabbi Enid C. Lader
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Second Seder led by Rabbi Enid C. Lader
Zoom in for our Congregational Second Seder & Women’s Seder
At this time, we are adjusting how we will be holding our Congregational Second Seder and the Women’s Seder. We will NOT be gathering at temple, but will be offering our seders by zoom. Rabbi Lader will be leading our Second Seder on April 9th and Barbara Schwartz and Rabbi Lader will co-lead our Women’s Seder on April 15th. The haggadot for each seder will be sent out ahead of time, so we’ll all be on the same page! Here are the Zoom links for each seder: Topic: BI-TWT Second SederTime: Apr 9, 2020 06:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Dial in: +1 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 260 190 466 Topic: Circle of Friends Women’s SederTime: Apr 15, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Dial in: +1 646 876 9923Meeting ID: 338 673 199