Va-Yishlach Gen. 32:4-36:43 (Dec. 20/21)
…Jacob responds to Esau’s embrace with a radical insight or formula…
…Jacob responds to Esau’s embrace with a radical insight or formula…
Chai There! Education Updates from Debbie Chessin Dear Beth Israel-The West Temple Religious School Families, We hope you and your children are having an engaging, productive year in religious school so far. It is exciting, week after week, to see the students coming into the temple all smiles, ready to connect with their Jewish […]
Shabbaton “My Family’s Story” on Saturday, and last day of Winter U. on Sunday.
“Surely God was in this place, and me, I did not know it!”
Friday Evening, December 27
Celebrate Chanukah and Shabbat with us! Service at 6:30, Chicken and Latke supper at 7:30
Update: Dec. 5
Todah Rabah–our bins are overflowing
Students in grades 3-6 have made bracelets…100% of proceeds will be donated…
Meet Judge Francine Goldberg as she shares her insights on justice…
“I am old now and I do not know the day of my death” (Bereshit 27:2)
“There is a time to mourn, and a time to accept; a time to rage against the fading of the light, and a time to kindle another light.”