Toledot – Gen. 25:19-28:9 (Nov. 20/21)
This is a story of parental love… and favorites… and birthrights and blessings.
This is a story of parental love… and favorites… and birthrights and blessings.
Why is a parsha about death called “life”?
Conversations we wish we could have during the service…
There’s still work to do…
Town Hall with Shosh Ault and Arnon Chait Rescheduled We apologize for Wednesday night’s technical/sound problems during our Town Hall program with Peter Sackett, Shosh Ault, and Arnon Chait… It has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. Here is the link for this livestream presentation: […]
For Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles
Town Hall Discussion with Kristin Warzocha of Greater Cleveland Food Bank, and Lona Gruber of SCAN Hunger Center Pantry.
Wednesday, Oct. 21, we will welcome Dr. Sylvia Rim, noted child psychologist.
THIS Sunday, October 18th – BI-TWT’s Religious School families, along with other Jewish families from the west side of Cleveland, will be participating in a “Kids’ Tzedakah Drop Off”Noon – 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs Our students and their families have been making Tzedakah boxes and collecting monies for THIS Sunday… […]
Every soul consists of both a male and female persona…